Monday, 22 March 2021

Threescore years and ten...

In the game of life, with my ninety minutes up, I'm heading into ‘extra time’. According to Psalm 90 - often supposed to have been written by Moses himself - “the days of our years are threescore years and ten”, a typically oblique construction from the ‘good book’. The average lifespan of the first ten patriarchs mentioned in Genesis, from Adam to Noah, was 912, with Methuselah - 969 - the poster boy for longevity. These figures are presented in all seriousness; we look in vain for a punchline or a knowing wink. However, the average lifespan, for a man living in the time of Moses, would more likely have been 40-50 years.

Licenced yesterday: market day in Ulverston…

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