Thursday, 1 April 2021


I was wandering around New Earswick yesterday, looking for springtime pix, when I passed a couple of young lads with their bikes. I usually give kids a wide berth, for at least half a dozen different reasons. Given half a chance I imagine they would beat me to a bloody pulp, go though my pockets, steal my camera, throw me into a ditch and urinate on my lifeless and broken body, before pedalling away, laughing. It’s possible that my uncharitable views need to be revised.

One of the lads called out to me: “Do you know how to put a bike chain back on?” Though it’s been at least half a century since I messed with bike chains, I managed to ease it back onto the sprockets. “Wow!”, the boy said. We then chatted about this and that; after months of lockdown, maybe kids appreciate some inconsequential conversation too.

Licenced today: the Black Bull Inn, in Coniston...

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