Thursday 10 November 2016

Interesting times...

It’s a truism that politicians campaign in poetry, but govern in prose. Donald Trump campaigned in what he called “locker room banter”, and, once the votes were in, attempted to adopt a more statesmanlike tone… which sounded equally repellent. He won’t do half of the things he promised to do - thank God - but just the thought of him as America’s figurehead is like waking up from a bad dream… only to realise that it wasn’t a dream at all.

I wonder how the American people will deal with a Trump presidency. They will start to unpick recent history, no doubt, and try to analyse just how the hell we got to this point. His candidature started as a joke, and should have stayed that way. Now we have an unfunny punchline and four year of Trumpery. I recall the old Chinese curse: “May you live in interesting times”… 

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