Thursday 21 March 2024

Birthday greetings...

It’s my birthday. Yes, it’s exactly a year since the last occasion I had a birthday; the excitement is tangible. So I’m looking forward to a couple of ‘family days’ in two adjacent NT properties, after me and my mobility scooter have been picked up by Casey. Note to self: don’t forget the cake in the fridge…


  1. Belated happy birthday to you John! I was drinking in York yesterday - managing as best I could with my recently acquired busted knee. At 48 it is time to pack it in and thinking about my mobility. A dark voice booms from the future "you bloody idiot!". Best wishes from Lee and Diane (a fellow Sam Harris fan who met you in Darrowby's a week or 2 ago).

  2. The subject of "it" in "pack it in" is football by the way! Forgot to put that in!
