Tuesday 7 May 2019

Hell awaits...

A few weeks ago, Israel Folau, an Australian rugby player and devout Christian, took to Instagram to proclaim that “hell awaits drunks, homosexuals, adulterers, liars, fornicators, thieves, atheists and idolators”. Folau urged them to "repent of their sins". In response it seems likely that Rugby Australia will now tear up his four-year, $4m contract. I hope so. This is no way to built a civilised and pluralist society. Telling people they are going to suffer conscious torment in hell for all eternity is a horrible thing for anyone to say… even though it is, of course, nonsense. I’m only surprised that such sentiments aren’t called out more often for what they really are: “hate speech”.

I feature in Folau’s list as an atheist, but would also have to plead guilty to the occasional lapse into drunkeness, adultery, fornication and thieving… otherwise I would be a liar as well. My homosexual phase was short-lived and school-based, and I don’t think I’ve ever been tempted into idolatry.

Why do so many religious people feel the need to judge their fellow humans… and judge them so harshly? The hateful notion that we are all sinners is integral to Christian faith, but that doesn’t make it any less reprehensible. Demands for their religious beliefs to be “respected” is a demand too far, as long as Christians are busy consigning so many people to the fires of their imaginary hell.

The Old Hall, Knedlington, built by Stephen Arlush about 1660, is on the cul de sac which leads to both Asselby and Barmby on the Marsh. The house is described in Nikolaus Pevsner’s architectural guide as "the finest small manor house in the East Riding"...

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